Retirement Articles

wondering about the work year ahead

Wondering About the Work Year Ahead

Every woman's guide to retirement

Every Woman’s Guide to Retirement

Find a new purpose in retirement

Find a New Purpose for Life in Retirement

Retirement - ready or not

The Next Stage – Retirement: Ready or Not?

enhance your life

Enhance your life by identifying and dealing with the things that no longer support you

One small step at a time

Change can be exciting by taking one small step at a time

approach challenges with an open mind

Approach challenges calmly and with an open mind

what do you really want in your retirement

Clarify what you really want in your retirement

Seek resources other than money

Seek Resources Other Than Money

6 resources required for a successful retirement

6 Resources Required for a Successful Retirement

top 5 questions about retirement

Top 5 Questions About Retirement

get your own house in order

Get Your Own House in Order First

Facing unexpected retirement

Facing an Unexpected Retirement

Retirement plans do change unexpectedly

Retirement Plans Do Change Unexpectedly

Will you become a nevertiree?

Will you become a Nevertiree?

How prepared are you for the next stage in life?

Waiting for the Weekends and Holidays

Biggest learning about work for 2020

What do we mean when we Retire?

Common Fears About Retirement

Steps to a fulfilling retirement

Richard and Joan: reinventing retirement

Insights into Planning for a Longer Life

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About Estelle Kelly

Estelle Kelly is a qualified Life Coach and educator. Estelle has over twenty years of experience in the education and welfare sectors, and specialises in coaching her clients towards a happy and successful retirement.