Waiting for the Weekends and Holidays

We love what we do but we can’t wait for the weekends and holidays.

What would you say if you could transform that conundrum into taking some action to transform and change your current situation?

A group of nurturing professionals, nearing retirement age, were chatting around the table during a lunch break at work. They were saying how busy they are with work and they really look forward to weekends and holidays. They recognised retirement is not too far away for them so the discussion turned to, “What will we do in all those hours we now spend at work?” There were no definitive answers, YET. It seemed as if they were a little scared of being bored (having no purpose) in retirement. Retirement can quickly loom as a large unknown, uncertain phase of life.

I recall it was that way for me until I took some real action. I had a picture of week after week of empty days in transitioning to retirement and my head was filled with many unanswered questions.

So how are you going to going to fill those retirement days and weeks?

We are so caught up in the business of our professions we find it difficult to find time to plan our next step with clarity. The thought of retirement can be overwhelming. How can you create a plan to
reduce the conundrum of, “We love what we do but we can’t wait for the weekends and the holidays?”

Retirement planning is not just about money but the quality of your life in retirement. It can turn you from woe to wow.

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About Estelle Kelly

Estelle Kelly ACC is an Associate Certified Coach member of the International Coach Federation. Estelle has over twenty years of experience in the education and welfare sectors, and specialises in coaching her clients towards a happy and successful retirement.